The Story of Den.
Howdy. I am Den Legaspi, aka Arc & Type - graphic designer and art director.
I love being a designer, I really I love what I do! As a kid, I have always made things, combined things, taken stuff apart and rebuilt them in a different way. I have always been curious and imaginative, unafraid to try or rethink things. It is part of what makes me great at what I do.
I have a broad range of work experience that transcends a studio or marketing office. I have worked as a motorcycle mechanic, in a bakery, as a barista, as indie music aficionado, and an IT geek. I am a skilled restorer and maker of things from engines to guitars, and enjoy delving into discovery and exploration. I am artistic, mechanical, and analytical.
All of this makes me a talented and well-rounded designer with art director and management chops. I enjoy the creative process, discussing ideas, background research, and turning all of that into something visually arresting. I see the details without losing the big picture and I can hit the ground running. I can make things happen, complete projects, work a budget, and turn deadlines!
Powers for Good.
My concentration now is working with nonprofits, individual artists, community organizations, eco- or local businesses/entrepreneurs, educators and teaching institutions to assist in building visual brands or campaigns, or simply knocking out a great flyer.
No artistic vision or ideal pursuit is too big or too small, no job is too big or too small and everyone should have access to great visual representation.
I believe in stewardship and community investment, civic duty, and social responsibility in the work I do.
Are you an artist, nonprofit, or business trying to make a difference in the world and need design help? Contact Me!
I have worked with the Amoeba Music, Animal Fix Clinic, artEquity, Asian Pacific Islander Cultural Center, Arts & the African Diaspora, At the Bruns, Aunt Lute Books, Bindlestiff Studios, BirchBark Foundation, Brattle Film Foundation, Cal Shakes, creampuff Magazine, Curve Magazine, Cuyler Consulting, Divine Monkey Homeopathy, Emergence Healing Arts Studio, Family Builders, Freedom For All, FreshMeat Productions, The Garage, Gravity / Jess Curtis, Harlem Shake, Harvey Milk LGBT Democratic Club, Howard Grayson LGBTQ+, Irving Pet Hospital, Jon Sims Center for the Arts, Lamplighters Music Theater, Legal Aid At Work, liquidFIRE, McRoskey Mattress Co, Michelle Pereira Studio, Naganuma Dance, NYU (Art & Health), openhouse, Outlook Theater Project, Our Family Coalition, Palm Center of UCSB, The Perfect Sidekick, Playwrights Foundation, PBS (through Tavares Media), Queer Cultural Center, Queer Women of Color Media Arts Project, Queer Rebels, RADAR Productions, SAFEhouse Arts, Seaforager, Sean Dorsey Dance, Sharon Art Studio, SF Bay Times, SF HIV (San Francisco Department of Public Health), SF Metropolitan Magazine, SF Organizing Network for Education, Sarah Shroud, Stanford School of Humanities and Sciences, Stop AIDS Project, San Francisco Transgender Film Festival, VOENA Children's Choir, Yerba Buena Garden Festival, and more! I was the Art Director at the California Shakespeare Theater (CalShakes) where I worked with Artistic Director Eric Ting collaborating on art work with Octavio Solis, KJ Sanchez, Marcus Gardley, and Branden Jacobs-Jenkins. I am the current Art Director at TheatreWorks Silicon Valley.
Why "Arc & Type"?
It's a play on the word "archetype", using elements of actual design — arc (curve of a line) and type (font). Originating from the Greek words: archein , meaning original; and typos, which means pattern,“original pattern” or prototype. In ideal form an archetype is the "perfect example" for which other things are based upon. Arc & Type is based on striving for the best design, the full concept. Design that is perfect for it's intended use, design with intent as well as beauty.
What's up with all the stunt stuff?
I have always been more of an adrenaline junkie than anything else. In another life, in another era, I would have been a stunt person, a barnstormer, a motordome racer, or "Wall of Death" rider. As a younger person this manifested in "thrill-seeking" — motorcycling, skateboarding, surfing, trekking up and into places I was not supposed to, and the like. I have channeled this intrepid spirit into daring energetic (sometimes late-night) design sessions, creative problem-solving or fixing (because anything can happen on say a coastal vintage motorcycle ride!), and a valiant attitude of delivery and finishing. I work well under pressure and relish the feeling of closing a deadline. FEARLESS DESIGN!
YES, I still love motorcycling.

The Nitty Gritty.
Den Legaspi Resume
Bachelor of Arts, Fine Art - San Francisco State University, CA
Studio-trained for print and digital design, color correction, publishing, hand-build skills, and full production.
Cross-platform trained on applications. IT trained for multi-platforms and computer / equipment trouble-shooting.
*In an every-changing "beta" program /app world no knowledge is 100%. Adapting and learning is always a part of evolving as a designer.
Updated training and education in email / social / web platforms to include applications and intergrations.
Other skills include lead and supervisory experience, file protocol and archiving, photography, project management software and apps (Asana, Basecamp, Trello, etc), online form creation and integration (Smart Sheets, Jotform, etc).
TheatreWorks Silicon Valley
Art Director 06/2020 - present
On staff art director responsible for overall design aesthetic and creating a new visual brand identity. This will include a redesign of the website, rebranding the organization, as well as designing organization-wide assets (programs, reports, posters, signage, ads, banners, etc.). Other duties include project management, vendor negotiation, supervision of contractors, team leadership, and pushing to utilize channels of alternate marketing to diversify and reach new audiences.
California Shakespeare Theater
Art Director 03/2015 - 06/2020
On staff art director responsible for overall design aesthetic and visual brand identity. Included the redesign of the website, rebranding the organization, as well as designing organization-wide assets (programs, reports, posters, signage, ads, banners, etc.). Other duties included project management, budget management, vendor negotiations, supervision of contractors and jr. designers, and even the occasional photography.
Arc & Type
Contract art direction and design, marketing and branding for artists, art and film festivals, book publishers, magazines & newspapers, nonprofit organizations, and eco & local business.